My World B***h 

What are fossils

1. what's a fossil? a fossil is any traces of dead organisms.
2. different examples of fossils: tracks of dinosaur, footprints of human ancestors, insects in sticky tree saps, and animals burried in tar.
3.Why do hard parts of organism form such as shells and bones than soft parts such as mucles and skin? if skeleton or shell to fossilize it has to be burried by sediment, calciuum in the bone is slowly replaced by harder material, unless the sediment isvery fine and no oxygen is present to promote decay, soft tissues such as found in skin and muscle do not fossilze.
4. How does fossil show evolution in action? because new species form from prexistiong ones and fossil show the similarities from organism between an extint organism and an existing and see how much the species has change from what it once was and to what it is now, so thats how i think fossils show evolution in action.

please help me get famous

this is to everyone or anything thats reading my postes go put some comments for me so that i may respond to them cause i left myself a coments lleave them on my sight or get the F*** out of here b4 i get angry and trust me u dont want to see me when im angry like this one guy slashed my tires and then i got angry i became mean and green for i bash and smash and ooooo shiny and me smash and bash some moree now lay comments b4 i start to bash and smach or else!!!!!! ill see u somewhere and ill give u a clue it staarts with H E and ends with L L. unless u want me to pput u doown.

I'm that little star up in the sky I'm worlds greatest part 4

this is for all those who were offended by my site. i am so sorry for what i wrote and hope you accept my sincerest apology and i dont know wwhat went over me when i wrote it and all i can say is that i am so oh so sorry...... tsk tsk i am a teenager i dont need to apologize guess what i lied about that shit i hope u got offended and even more offended when i say Go To Someone Elses site you freaking p**** and with that said and done i am sorry for not insulting u earlier for i am evil as evil can be cause i am The Monarch. so it be said so it be written so it be done for i am the Leader. and ill PK you stupid newbs well i kick @$$ and chew bubble gum and run out of bubble gum. and at night when ur looking at the stars remember this " I'm that little star up in the sky I'm worlds greatest" and i hope that makes u despise looking up in the sky at night cause u will remember me i garantee it for nothing of what i said is a lie other than the apology crap and why hasnt anyone else on rainbeaus blog thing wrote as much as i have and i should get extra credit. with thatt saidd and done i have 1 thing to say see you in h*** and i hope ur there b4 me. now bring it sucka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! muahahahaha

im not that bad

hi my name is Mario Caesar cardona and i cant stop typing bad stuff, im not a bad person i just cant stop typing this *SOB* cya later b****es

forgive me friends for I know not what I write

A B C 1 2 3 A B C y do fools fall in love and where do i get this stuff from gosh stuff coming to my head is rather annoying sometimes and now get the F*** out of my site or else ill have my possy all the way from Afgamistan(AKA Al-Quida) will come in and will F***en KILL YOU mouther F***er. lol j/k u would really think i would do that to u guys *cough yes i would cough* so what i want to tell you kids to stay in school unless u want to stay in the streets as a lonly mother F***er(yes i am acting like those speakers who cuss at children to stay out of trouble or else they may end up in prison, well hopefully most of u guys know what i'm talking about) dead just because they made the worse F***ing decision in their lives and yet u can't pity these poor F*** cause they brought this on themselves and refused to listen and u better listen to what i say or else i'll kill u mother F***er to make things go by quicker.( hope MR. Rainbeau doesn't get mad because i have a little extra time when im bored to write stupid stuff) i bet u think i'm one dumb mother F***er for writing this, well guess what ur the dumb Mother F***er whos reading this ahahah i bet u must feel stupid for reading this Bull S*** if i could i would laugh at ur face or just read my other post where i laugh a lot and just imagine that im there so u can get that feeling of being laughed at.

ok so this was my nonsence for today i hoped u liked (which i doubt so u can get out of my site) peace i'm outta of here.

P.S. dont forget to read my post where i laugh at u and imagine im there, or else ill F***en Kill your mother F***ing A$$, im rich Bia***

im that litttle star up in the sky im world greatest part 3

ahhhahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahaahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahhahahhahahaaaaahahahahhahhahhahhahahahhahhahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahhah *sigh*......... ahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhaha u think i ment what i said in my other first two worlds greatest article were a complete lie about what i said and if u believe me about the both of them ur dead wrong and for that i laugh at the people who read my articles and im doing on purposes to make u guys not come here so u can think im an @$$**** and now i laugh at u ahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhaahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahahahaha *cough* ................. *cough* ... ahahahhahahahahhahhahahahhahahahhahahaahahahhahahahahhahahhahahhahahha.

this article has nothing to do with anything thought i do it just for fun cause there was nothing better to do at this time.


and leave my site in peace or ELSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill .................. ill .................. write more of these annoyings articles ah;ahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhzahahahah i always win my battles ahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahhhahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahha *sigh*
ok im ganna shut up now.

My power point.

*the one thing that i did really good on my power point was the part where I found out that there are no symtoms for beta-thalasemmia.
*I could have improved on the last slide that we are suppose to do but, i found out that I did improve on that last slide and i told my partner to fix it during the presentations and it turns out that we lost 3 points for nothing because i already have fixed it so yeah so there really was anything that i could improve.
*I thought i could have done a better job if i wasnt near sided and had to constantly look right in front of the computer to make sure i can see it right or if i just had my glasses which i have lost so yeah i could have done better. my partner i think could have done a better job by both reading the slides and looking at the people who he is trying to talk to and i dont think he had any vision problems so i thought he could have done a lot better and i mean a lot.
* I say my partner(DANNY DE HARO) did nothing to help me find information for the report so i dont think i would partner up with DANNY DE HARO again but, he did decorate the slide so i can't complain about that because i wouldnt have done anything to make it look fancy or could i and if it were up to me i would have put aliens in my slide symbolizing them as diseases and invade earth and earth is symbolizing your body and the humans are the cells in the planet trying to fight back agaisnt the aliens invaders and ultimately the humans lose and the alians take over destroy the planet and thus meaning u die of this disease. but, NO my partner(DANNY DE HARO) didht want to so i guess i didnt put. and personally i think my decorations would have turned out a lot better than for the slide than the ones that my partner (DANNY DE HARO) put.
*I liked nothing about it.
* i disliked everything about it.

i'm that little star up in the sky i'm worlds greatest part two

if you have read my first article all i can say is don't hate me because i didn't know that my teacher was ganna show our actuall names on there. for those who haven't read i doubt you would want to read its when i get bored i like to entertain myself by acting cocky and like i'm the best and oh yeah for this article i'm ganna answer it honestly. oh i and i thought i put the description for people who are 16 and under not to read it cause i knew u wouldnt like it so yeah. i dont like people who think they are all bad because i know with out a doubt that they arent and if they act cocky, they arent really that great but they do try to irritate u so u wouldnt do as well as u can possible do because i use that a lot and trust me it helps me win most of the time so yeah and be all you can be or do at least because i can accept failure but i cant accept not trying because if u dont try u will always lose. yes that is why i lose most of the time when im doing something cause i dont really try the first time and no im not trying to be cocky even though u may think i am which i know most of u who are reading this article are most likely think i am and yes i am questioning myself if i am well at least i was. u should never let any1 pin the blame the blame on u even though it was obviously their fault because if they cannot see their mistake how would they expect to get any better if their own ego is blinding them from the truth. just have them see it for themselves and they would have no1 to blame but themselves and could have avoided this humilation if they have listen to their partner. if you cant learn from your accept your faults u cant get any better. i have no idea why im giveing out these advise possible because i want to redeem myself from making myself look like an @$$ in the first article i wrote well. yes i did make the first article cause i was bored and i thought no1 would know who i was.

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